the fanfic hive | faraway, so close


Author: Ebony
Rating: PG
Pairing: None.
Categories: General, angst.

Disclaimer: No, me still not own Jack. *bitter sobs*

Summary: A drabble about Jack's thoughts as he lays his eyes upon the Black Pearl for the first time in years in the brig of Fort Charles.

Author's Note: Something that sprung to my mind when watching PotC.

* * * * *

It was the Pearl. Truly, it was. His Pearl. His freedom. Not some phantom image conjured up by his imagination to feed his fervour to find her, to soothe his ache to feel the gently rocking decks under his feet and the smooth rudder under his palms. His fingers curled tighter around the cold bars without his notice, the rough bite of the corroded metal against his flesh going undetected by him. For a moment, Jack Sparrow was blind to everything expect the Black Pearl, deaf to anything that was not the painfully familiar booming of her guns.

So close. She was so close! After ten years of searching, his ship was finally right there… and he was unable to go to her, confined as he was into the small cell. He could not claim her back from the mutineer who so cowardly stole her from him all those years ago. Life was so wickedly ironical at times. Anger churned within him at the sight of the tattered black sails, incensed by the dilapidated condition of the ship, his ship. In his mind, he cursed Barbossa all over again.

Commodore Norrington had smugly informed Jack in the afternoon that he did not see his ship. And correct he had been then, but now he was sure to see her, just as painfully clearly as Jack did. She was now but a mere ghostly shadow of her old splendour, hurting and limping, but still she was the most glorious thing Jack had ever laid eyes on.

Soon - the word echoed in Jack’s head. Soon, she would be his again. He’d come too far and been through too many hells to back down now. Things were set in motion and there was no stopping them, not now. Soon.

Refocusing his thoughts and his eyes, Jack came around just in time to spot a black globe of iron hurtling his way at high velocity.